DeSoto, Texas, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 113

Displayed below is a list of the first 1,000 addresses. If you would like to see more, please feel free to explore our comprehensive list in the Google Drive document.

House numberStreet namePostal code
205Executive Way75115
105Lion Street75115
1700North Hampton Road75115
2021North Hampton Road75115
2021North Hampton Road75115
2021North Hampton Road75115
102West Pleasant Run Road75115
951West Belt Line Road75115
210East Pleasant Run Road75115
1409N Cockrell Hill Rd75115
2700Walker Way 
210East Pleasant Run Road75115
210East Pleasant Run Road75115
951West Belt Line Road75115
1101North Beckley Avenue75115
1708North Westmoreland Road75115
229South Hampton Road75115
203East Pleasant Run Road75115
961West Belt Line Road75115
824Misty Glen Drive75115
1601North Hampton Road75115
1916North Westmoreland Road75115
204East Belt Line Road75115
800North Westmoreland Road75115
601East Belt Line Road75115
1001Woodridge Drive75115
707Young Boulevard75115
525Ray Street75115
1016The Meadows Parkway75115
1500Heritage Boulevard75154
425South Cockrell Hill Road75115
224Amber Lane75115
2828Prince George Avenue75115
629North Beckley Avenue75115
515North Beckley Avenue75115
1700North Westmoreland Road75115
336South Hampton Road75115
1515North Beckley Avenue75115
1421North Beckley Avenue75115
1310East Wintergreen Road75115
3940West Wheatland Road75237
2700Travis Street75115
931Ironwood Drive75115
921Saint Andrew's Place75115
1833Richlen Way75115
901Saint Andrew's Place75115
927Saint Andrew's Place75115
912Ironwood Drive75115
919Saint Andrew's Place75115
914Saint Andrew's Place75115
917Saint Andrew's Place75115
904Saint Andrew's Place75115
908Ironwood Drive75115
904Ironwood Drive75115
915Ironwood Drive75115
1001Place Louie75115
905Saint Andrew's Place75115
935Ironwood Drive75115
900Ironwood Drive75115
912Saint Andrew's Place75115
905Ironwood Drive75115
907Saint Andrew's Place75115
908Saint Andrew's Place75115
923Saint Andrew's Place75115
923Ironwood Drive75115
910Saint Andrew's Place75115
909Saint Andrew's Place75115
1009Place Louie75115
918Saint Andrew's Place75115
915Saint Andrew's Place75115
929Saint Andrew's Place75115
903Saint Andrew's Place75115
1021Place Louie75115
920Ironwood Court75115
916Saint Andrew's Place75115
916Ironwood Drive75115
906Saint Andrew's Place75115
924Ironwood Court75115
919Ironwood Drive75115
927Ironwood Drive75115
911Saint Andrew's Place75115
901Ironwood Drive75115
925Saint Andrew's Place75115
913Saint Andrew's Place75115
1401North Beckley Avenue75115
1155North Beckley Avenue75115
1135North Beckley Avenue75115
600Eagle Drive75115
801South Hampton Road75115
1501North Hampton Road75115
1530North Hampton Road75115
1500North Hampton Road75115
912Saint George's Place75115
902Saint George's Place75115
924Saint George's Place75115
903Saint George's Place75115
920Saint George's Place75115
904Saint George's Place75115
918Saint George's Place75115
910Saint George's Place75115
909Saint George's Place75115
906Saint George's Place75115
922Saint George's Place75115
908Saint George's Place75115
907Saint George's Place75115
913Saint George's Place75115
2000Old Hickory Trail75115
1500North Westmoreland Road75115
610West Wintergreen Road75115
1500North Polk Street75115
108West Parkerville Road75115
1211East Wintergreen Road75115
825West Wintergreen Road75115