House number | Street name | Postal code |
1-31-2003 | Higashiyama | 153-0043 |
3-1-12 | Shimo-meguro | 153-0064 |
1-29-2006 | 青葉台 | 153-0042 |
4-6 | 自由が丘1丁目 | 152-0035 |
1-28-2009 | aobadai | 153-0042 |
2-2-2005 | Higashiyama | 153-0043 |
2-24-2003 | 上目黒 | 153-0051 |
1-5-2006 | 目黒通り | 1520001 |
5-26-10 | 中目黒 | 153-0061 |
Meguro, Tokyo, Japan
Total Addresses Recorded: 15
Displayed below is a list of all 15 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.