House number | Street name | Postal code |
9001 | Winchester Avenue | 8402 |
9200 | Atlantic Avenue | 8402 |
8008 | Ventnor Avenue | 8402 |
8409 | Ventnor Avenue | 8402 |
8018 | Ventnor Avenue | 8402 |
7820 | Ventnor Avenue | 8402 |
9510 | Ventnor Avenue | 8402 |
9312 | Ventnor Avenue | 8402 |
9314 | Amherst Avenue | 8402 |
9001 | Winchester Avenue | 8402 |
Margate City, New Jersey, United States
Total Addresses Recorded: 10
Displayed below is a list of all 10 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.