House numberStreet namePostal code
409S Ash St65622
315S Ash St65622
320S Ash St65622
500West Main Street65622
1001West Truman Road65622
315South Hickory Street65622
1250West Dallas Street65622
404South Locust Street65622
911S Ash65622
845S Ash65622
846S Ash65622
115S Maple65622
103S Maple St65622
100S Maple St65622
325S Ash St65622
1311N Maple St65622
1118N Maple St65622
510S Ash St65622
309S Ash St65622
209S Ash St65622
119N Ash St65622
404N Ash St65622
719N Ash St65622
1001N Ash St65622
1009N Ash65622
1834N Ash St65622
1400W Dallas St65622

Buffalo, Missouri, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 27

Displayed below is a list of all 27 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.