House numberStreet namePostal code
1220Highway 25 South55362
105West 3rd Street55362
141Broadway Street East55362
9395State Highway 2555362
9320Cedar Street55362
2807Country Road 75 Northwest55362
1013Hart Boulevard55362
5225School Boulevard55362
1010Broadway Street West55362
14477th Street East 
13907th Street East55362
9350Fallon Avenue Northeast55362
800Broadway Street East55362
9400Cedar Street 
89Chelsea Road55362
1220Highway 25 South55362
9855Hart Boulevard55362
9855Hart Boulevard55362
9375Fenning Avenue55362
1114Cedar Street55362
200Oakwood Drive East55362

Monticello, Minnesota, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 21

Displayed below is a list of all 21 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.