House numberStreet namePostal code
347Central Avenue56347
5109th Street NE56347
2052nd Street South56347
416Central Avenue56347
2052nd Street South56347
220CentraCare Drive56347
4014th Street South56347
2159th Street SE56347
6087th Street NE56347
6096th Street NE56347
6047th Street NE56347
6079th Street NE56347
415Central Avenue56347
425Central Avenue56347
409Central Avenue56347
7019th Street NE56347
11044th Avenue NE56347
511Todd Street North56347
209th Street Southeast56347
524Central Avenue56347
601Central Avenue56347
350Central Avenue56347
410Central Avenue56347
3308th Street SE56347
4004th Avenue SE56347
6102nd Avenue SE56347
6102nd Avenue SE56347
254th Street South56347
347Central Avenue56347
50CentraCare Drive56347
151st Street South56347
209th Street Southeast56347

Long Prairie, Minnesota, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 32

Displayed below is a list of all 32 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.