House numberStreet namePostal code
1702N Lakeshore Drive55041
223S Lakeshore Drive55041
2500North Hwy 6155041
402South Lakeshore Drive55041
310South Washington Street55041
960North 10th Street55041
300South Garden Street55041
1301North Lakeshore Drive55041
226S Washington Street55041
105E Lyon Ave55041
104N Washington St55041
117S Lakeshore Dr55041
312West Lyon Avenue55041
310South Lakeshore Drive55041
991West Lyon Avenue55041
40010th Street55041
1705North Oak Street55041
300South Garden Street55041
511South 8th Street55041
1335North 7th Street55041
500West Grant Street55041
1515North Lakeshore Drive55041
1127North Lakeshore Drive55041
821North Lakeshore Drive55041
408North Washington Street55041

Lake City, Minnesota, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 26

Displayed below is a list of all 26 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.