House numberStreet namePostal code
1316East 7th Street46706
1310East 7th Street46706
603South Jackson Street46706
1316East 7th Street46706
1316East 7th Street46706
1316East 7th Street46706
1306East 7th Street46706
1314East 7th Street46706
1004West 7th Street46706
1117West 7th Street46706
1114West 7th Street46706
934West 7th Street46706
1005West 7th Street46706
200North Grandstaff Drive46706
1014West 7th Street46706
1012West 7th Street46706
350North Grandstaff Drive46706
277North Grandstaff Drive46706
532North Grandstaff Drive46706
1021West 7th Street46706
101East 9th Street46706
115N Main St #10146706
207Touring Drive46706
227N Duesenberg Dr46706
1820Sprott Street46706
506Brandon Street46706
1114West 7th Street46706
1117West 7th Street46706
1004West 7th Street46706
1220East 7th Street46706
1207East 7th Street46706
1203East 7th Street46706
505Touring Drive46706
1317East 7th Street46706
603South Jackson Street46706
1818Morningstar Road46706
1020Smaltz Way46706
306Touring Drive46706
934West 7th Street46706
1137West 15th Street46706
1601South Van Buren Street46706
322West 7th Street46706
300Lenora Lane46706
303Peckhart Court46706

Auburn, Indiana, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 45

Displayed below is a list of all 45 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.