House numberStreet namePostal code
1916Meharry Street47904
1902Meharry Street47904
1010Teal Road47905
350South 18th Street47909
231Chestnut Street47905
223Main Street47906
3615IN 3847905
53South 2nd Street47901
17South 6th Street47901
627South Street47901
600Main Street47901
311Sagamore Parkway47904
65Beck Lane47909
2830Old US Highway 231 South47909
1902Scott Street47904
2319Wallace Avenue47904
654Main Street47901
1170S Creasy Ln #C47905
3602Cogill Lane47909
601Beck Lane47909
106South 16th Street47905
150Professional Court47905
1010Main Street47901
644Main Street47901
601Main Street47901
611Main Street47901
648Main Street47901
100Executive Drive47905
3230Daugherty Drive47909
2130Sagamore Parkway North47904
30Professional Court47905
2250Teal Road47905
200North 2nd Street47901
3477South Street47905
3477South Street47905
3613South 18th Street47909
3613South 18th Street47909
170South Creasy Lane47905
225North 9th Street47901
2513Maple Point Drive47905
116South Earl Avenue47904
1201South 4th Street47905
3401Fairfield Court47909
4315Commerce Drive47905
1725Salem Street47904
1901Elmwood Avenue47904
1901Elmwood Avenue47904
3011Teal Road47905
109Beck Lane47909
2700Old US Highway 231 South47909
2700Old US Highway 231 South47909
2705Old US 231 South47905
2800US Highway 231 South47909
2806US Highway 231 South47909
153State Road 25 West47909
153State Road 25 West47909
323Sagamore Parkway North47904
323Sagamore Parkway North47904
1803East 350 South47909
3816South 18th Street47909
2500Glick St47905
2839Teal Road47905
2839Teal Road47905
993South Creasy Lane47905
220Columbia Street47901
200South 4th Street47901
3500SR 3847905
2049Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
3401Fairfield Court47909
1125Sagamore Parkway South47905
2800Concord Road47909
101Main Street47901
210South Creasy Lane47905
2408Teal Road47905
833Park East Boulevard47905
950Park East Boulevard47905
3803South Street47905
200Main Street47901
108Beck Lane47909
109Beck Lane47909
115Beck Lane47909
109Beck Lane47909
109Beck Lane47909
109Beck Lane47909
109Beck Lane47909
109Beck Lane47909
109Beck Lane47909
109Beck Lane47909
4315Commerce Drive47905
4315Commerce Drive47905
4315Commerce Drive47905
2200Elmwood Avenue 
2200Elmwood Avenue47904
3540State Road 3847905
598Sagamore Parkway North47904
105Farabee Drive South47905
105Farabee Drive South47905
526Main Street47901
900Kossuth Street47905
504Main Street47901
102North 3rd Street47901
2415Sagamore Parkway South47905
210South Creasy Lane47905
210South Creasy Lane47905
210South Creasy Lane47905
210South Creasy Lane47905
210South Creasy Lane47905
4701Meijer Court47905
4254South Street47905
423North 3rd Street47901
500South Street47901
200North 2nd Street47901
2401Sagamore Parkway South47905
2219Sagamore Parkway South47905
3520State Road 38 E47905
3510State Road 38 E47905
5500State Road 3847905
2338Teal Road47905
4325South Street47905
4301South Street47905
4215South Street47905
4221South Street47905
200Progress Drive47905
4301South Street47905
4201South Street47905
4151South Street47905
4023Commerce Drive47905
3941South Street47905
150Farington Avenue47905
3901South Street47905
3861South Street47905
4901SR 2647905
200Meijer Drive47905
4723Meijer Court47905
4717Meijer Court47905
4709Meijer Court47905
4705Meijer Court47905
4320South Street47905
4300South Street47905
4260South Street47905
4092South Street47905
4066South Street47905
4030South Street47905
4000South Street47905
3990South Street47905
3980South Street47905
3900South Street47905
3836South Street47905
100North Creasy Lane47905
50North Creasy Lane47905
4205Commerce Drive47905
3805State Road 26 E47905
110South Creasy Lane47905
120South Creasy Lane47905
130South Creasy Lane47905
140South Creasy Lane47905
160South Creasy Lane47905
3701South St.47905
3630South Street47905
3450South Street47905
181Sagamore Parkway47905
50Sagamore Parkway47905
304Sagamore Parkway47904
2Sagamore Parkway47904
3550Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
2347Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
2200Elmwood Avenue47904
800Heath Street47904
2402South Street47904
1207Columbia Street47901
1200South Street47901
20North 3rd Street47901
803North 6th Street47904
605Main Street47901
611North 6th Street47901
230North 4th Street47901
2South 4th Street47901
501North 3rd Street47901
22North 2nd Street47901
6North 2nd Street47901
1701South Creasy Lane47905
218Ferry Street47901
200Ferry Street47901
509North Street47901
2Shenandoah Drive47905
530North 26th Street47904
3101Elmwood Avenue47904
3630South 18th Street47909
3575Promenade Parkway47909
3555Promenade Parkway47909
3561Promenade Parkway47909
3606Osborne Drive47909
3605Osborne Drive47909
3210Builder Drive47909
3222Builder Drive47909
3229Daugherty Drive47909
3410Fairfield Court47909
3690Concord Road47909
3401Fairfield Court47909
3526Osborne Lane47909
3607Cheryl Lane47909
3610Cheryl Lane47909
2408Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
2306Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
2010East 350 South47909
2217North 9th Street Road47904
17South 6th Street47901
605South Street47901
2402South Street47904
600Ferry Street47901
1501Hartford Street47904
1260North 17th Street47904
2300Cason Street47904
2100Cason Street47904
2100Cason Street47904
3745Union Street47905
750North Creasy Lane47905
1501Greenbush Street47904
2511Sequoya Drive47904
330Fountain Street47902
328Beck Lane47909
518Sagamore Parkway47904
2222North 23rd Street47904
2407North 9th Street47904
1799North 9th Street47904
3949IN 3847905
2410South 9th Street47909
909South Street47901
701Main Street47901
4101Regal Valley Drive47909
1921Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
3623Braddock Drive47909
39Canyon Creek Circle47909
1923Kingfisher Drive47909
1927Kingfisher Drive47909
1915Kingfisher Drive47909
1919Kingfisher Drive47909
1911Kingfisher Drive47909
1907Kingfisher Drive47909
1903Kingfisher Drive47909
1833Kingfisher Drive47909
1825Kingfisher Drive47909
1829Kingfisher Drive47909
1821Kingfisher Drive47909
1817Kingfisher Drive47909
1813Kingfisher Drive47909
1809Kingfisher Drive47909
1805Kingfisher Drive47909
3610South 18th Street47909
10Kingfisher Circle47909
14Kingfisher Circle47909
18Kingfisher Circle47909
22Kingfisher Circle47909
26Kingfisher Circle47909
30Kingfisher Circle47909
34Kingfisher Circle47909
38Kingfisher Circle47909
42Kingfisher Circle47909
46Kingfisher Circle47909
50Kingfisher Circle47909
54Kingfisher Circle47909
58Kingfisher Circle47909
62Kingfisher Circle47909
66Kingfisher Circle47909
70Kingfisher Circle47909
74Kingfisher Circle47909
82Kingfisher Circle47909
78Kingfisher Circle47909
86Kingfisher Circle47909
90Kingfisher Circle47909
94Kingfisher Circle47909
98Kingfisher Circle47909
31Kingfisher Circle47909
170Kingfisher Court47909
160Kingfisher Court47909
150Kingfisher Court47909
140Kingfisher Court47909
130Kingfisher Court47909
120Kingfisher Court47909
35Kingfisher Court47909
39Kingfisher Circle47909
43Kingfisher Circle47909
47Kingfisher Circle47909
51Kingfisher Circle47909
55Kingfisher Circle47909
1824Kingfisher Drive47909
1820Kingfisher Drive47909
1816Kingfisher Drive47909
1812Kingfisher Drive47909
1808Kingfisher Drive47909
11Kingfisher Circle47909
27Kingfisher Circle47909
23Kingfisher Circle47909
19Kingfisher Circle47909
15Kingfisher Circle47909
3916Corinthian Drive47909
2507Maple Point Drive47905
600North 4th Strret47901
600North 4th Strret47901
601North 3rd Street47901
5165McCarty Lane47905
10Blitz Drive47905
2506Schuyler Avenue47905
152910th Street47904
2121Kyra Drive47909
3760Union Street47905
1701S Creasy Lane47905
3810South Street47905
31North 7th Street47901
2North 9th Street47901
2323Wallace Avenue47904
611South Street47905
3280S 9th St47909
313North 5th Street47901
1801South Street47904
3115South Street47904
3700Highway 52 South47909
4343South Street47905
4339South Street47905
155Progress Drive47905
4210Commerce Drive47905
4333South Street47905
225Progress Drive47905
415North Earl Avenue47904
501North Earl Avenue47904
510Sagamore Parkway47904
319North Earl Avenue47904
3312South Street47904
20South 16th Street47905
15511Main Street47901
1601Main Street47904
1800South Street47904
1710South Street47904
1116Columbia Street47901
1104Columbia Street47901
1302Columbia Street47901
4050Britt Farm Drive47905
4100Britt Farm Drive47905
4524South Street47905
4250South Street47905
3305South Street47904
3311South Street47904
108South Beck Lane47909
4921State Road 26 E47905
4729Meijer Court47905
3939South Street47905
3532South Street47905
91North 36th Street47905
3640South Street47905
100North 36th Street47905
3530South Street47905
3520South Street47905
103Farabee Drive North47905
100Farabee Drive North47905
3477South Street47905
1001South Street47901
415South 4th Street47901
300Farabee Drive North47901
1701Sagamore Parkway47905
1701Sagamore Parkway47905
3700Rome Drive47905
2800Concord Rd.47909
1817Troxel Drive47909
3613South 18th Street47909
2000Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
3007Builder Drive47909
3102Builder Drive47909
3209Builder Drive47909
3528Promenade Parkway47909
3431Fairfield Court47909
3530Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
3700Promenade Parkway47909
3706Sweet Valley Lane47909
3702Sweet Valley Lane47909
2201Raymond Drive47909
2207Raymond Drive47909
2211Raymond Drive47909
3701Nicholas Drive47909
3702Nicholas Drive47909
3707Nicholas Drive47909
3708Nicholas Drive47909
2202Raymond Drive47909
2049Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
1909Veterans Memorial Parkway South47909
3607South 18th Street47909
2200Breckenridge Street47909
15Sagamore Parkway47905
11Sagamore Parkway47905
1Sagamore Parkway47904
3200South Street47904
5434South Paper Trace47905
2800Duncan Road47904
3589Sagamore Parkway47904
3650Greenbush Street47905
700South 4th Street47905
1210North 10th Street47904
815North 12th Street47904
318North 9th Street47904
2934Sagamore Parkway47905
1732North 9th Street47904
1736North 9th Street47904
1740North 9th Street47904
1744North 9th Street47904
1716North 9th Street47904
1720North 9th Street47904
1724North 9th Street47904
1728North 9th Street47904
1714North 9th Street47904
2006North 9th Street47904
710North 9th Street47904
600Farabee Drive South47905
420North 26th Street47904
525North 26th Street47904
208Beck Lane47909
820Sagamore Parkway47904
3001South Creasy Lane47905
3001South Creasy Lane47905
3879SR 3847905
3898SR 3847905
3898SR 3847905
2000Elmwood Avenue47904
3206Daugherty Drive47909
525North 4th Street47901
813North 9th Street47901
638North Street47901
411North 7th Street47901
14North 3rd Street47901
802North 9th Street47904
822North 9th Street47904
805North 9th Street47904
914Union Street47904
905Union Street47904
2841Concord Road47905
3131Concord Road47905
2835Concord Road47905
3135Concord Road47905
3208South 18th Street47909
1805Brady Lane47909
3209South 18th Street47909
1811Brady Lane47909
1909Brady Lane47909
3216Greenbush Street47904
1501Sagamore Parkway North47904
2550Elmwood Avenue47904
2600Greenbush Street47904
320Meijer Drive47905
4801Tazer Drive47905
135South Earl Avenue47904
3763Winston Drive47905
1600South Creasy Lane47905
3818State Road 38 East47905
215N 10th St47901
1725Salem Street47904
635Erie Street47904
200Park East Boulevard47905
1750South Creasy Lane47905
612Wabash Avenue47905
4200South 18th Street47909
4325South Street47905
2800US Highway 231 South47909
2806US Highway 231 South47909
1102North 14th Street47904
615North 22nd Street47904
3834Grace lane47905
3440Concord Road47909
3231Union Street47904
720Sagamore Parkway North47904
710Sagamore Parkway North47904
700Sagamore Parkway North47904
1Walter Scholer Drive47909
1449South 500 East47905
3291Teal Road47905
4909Tazer Drive47905
2134Greenbush Street47904
2000Greenbush Street47904
2020Union Street47904
1800Union Street47904
1205North 14th Street47904
1920Main Street47904
1650Main Street 
3651McCarty Lane47905
1501Kepner Drive47905
1500Kepner Drive47905
3420Kossuth Street47905
3961State Road 3847905
1450Navco Drive47905
1450Navco Drive47905
1240Navco Drive47905
3600US Hwy 52 S47905
106South 16th Street47905
3123Union Street47904
3305Longlois Drive47904
2862Old US Highway 23147909
2424Old US Highway 23147907
133North 4th Street47901
2100Cason Street47904
3620South Street47905
150South Creasy Lane47905

Lafayette, Indiana, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 505

Displayed below is a list of the first 100 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.