House numberStreet namePostal code
1015Eagle Drive76524
19668North Interstate 35 Fronage Road76524
3003rd Street76524
2023rd Street76524
100Franklin Road76524
3083rd Street76524
1014th Street76524
4043rd Street76524
101State Highway 776524
19681North Interstate 35 Fronage Road76524
110Grider Street76630
18091North Interstate 35 Fronage Road76630
18615North Interstate 35 Fronage Road76630
1Eagle Drive76524
1Eagle Drive76524
143Wilcox Drive76524
19202North Interstate 35 Fronage Road76524
95Brown Drive76524
97Brown Drive76524
18610North Interstate 35 Fronage Road76524
17794North Interstate 35 Fronage Road76630
17796North Interstate 35 Fronage Road76630
317Eagle Drive76524

Bruceville-Eddy, Texas, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 23

Displayed below is a list of all 23 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.