House numberStreet namePostal code
104Oak Street94513
150City Park Way94513
3841Balfour Road94513
1649Lillian Street94513
7880Brentwood Blvd94513
3850Balfour Rd94513
9100Brentwood Boulevard94513
8900Brentwood Boulevard94513
7391st Street94513
7571st Street94513
18Oak Street94513
2401Smith Road94513
7701Lone Tree Way94513
6600Brentwood Boulevard94513
2300Elkins Way94513
2325Sand Creek Road94513
2601Anderson Lane94513
7609Brentwood Boulevard94513
8065Brentwood Boulevard94513
8130Brentwood Boulevard94513
8040Brentwood Boulevard94513
8100Brentwood Boulevard94513
11052nd Street94513
11852nd Street94513
8335Brentwood Boulevard94513
11352nd Street94513
11152nd Street94513
150City Park Way94513
335Oak Street94513
35Oak Street94513
150City Park Way94513
35Oak Street94513
150City Park Way94513
6061Lone Tree Way94513
230Chestnut Street94513
2400Sand Creek Road94513
2540Sand Creek Road94513
2520Sand Creek Road94513
2450Sand Creek Road94513
2460Sand Creek Road94513
2470Sand Creek Road94513
2480Sand Creek Road94513
8440Brentwood Boulevard94513
1210Central Boulevard94513
3191Balfour Road94513
200Griffith Lane94513
855Minnesota Avenue94513
4603Balfour Road94513
401American Avenue94513
1701Balfour Road94513
5581Lone Tree Way94513
2501st Street94513
193Griffith Lane94513
2131Prato Street94513
180Griffith Lane94513
190Griffith Lane94513
1765Adams Lane94513
601Grant Street94513
4461Balfour Road94513
7605Brentwood Boulevard94513
2400Balfour Road94513
350John Muir Parkway94513
100Cortona Way94513
1921Los Colinas Drive94513
1919Los Colinas Drive94513
1923Los Colinas Drive94513
1925Los Colinas Drive94513
121French Drive94513
2671Saint Regis Avenue94513
2525Sand Creek Road94513
6411st Street94513
3110Balfour Road94513
3171Balfour Road94513
3100Balfour Road94513
1664Pinot Place94513
1700Trilogy Parkway94513
8820Brentwood Boulevard94513
60Technology Way94513
500Fairview Avenue94513
6452nd Street94513
2401Smith Road94513
100Summerset Drive94513
401West Country Club Drive 
401West Country Club Drive 
2600Balfour Road94513

Brentwood, California, United States

Total Addresses Recorded: 86

Displayed below is a list of all 86 addresses. The list with all addresses can be found in the Google Sheets document.